Sunday, November 14, 2010


You can't earn back trust, you say?
I certainly beg to differ,
It is a part of being human.
We fall and make mistakes,
We hurt other people,
People we care deeply about.
It's hard to let them back in,
But we get up and try again
Because our goal as a race
Is to constantly better ourselves.
People who don't learn to trust
Don't learn how to live,
Live beyond survival.
To truly live is to love,
And to truly love is forgive,
Everybody deserves a second chance.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Desperate Plea

Wake up, O my heart!
You have been asleep for too long!
When did you stop feeling the Almighty God
Shaking you awake?

Listen, O my heart!
You have been deaf for too long!
When did you stop listening to the Almighty God
Calling out your name?

Look up, O my heart!
You have been blind for too long!
When did your awe of the Almighty God
turn into something ordinary?

Fire up, O my heart!
You have been cold for too long!
When did your passion for the Almighty God
freeze within your veins?

Beat, Beat, O my heart!
you have been still for too long!
When did the love of the Almighty God
stop making you fall to your knees?