Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ode to my Air Conditioner

In tropical climates air conditioners are a must have :D

The sweat drips down my sad face,
The day is hot and sticky,
My feet drag at a slow pace,
I’m so tired and icky!

I stumble into my room,
Feeling like roasted mutton,
The heat is oppressive doom,
I press that magic button.

Oh, Air Con! I feel that breeze!
Your cool air lifts my spirit,
You put me at instant ease,
The heat, you do not fear it.

When humidity rises
And the sun scorches the ground,
Whatever the degree is
You will always be around.

Sometimes I doubt your power,
Sometimes coolness goes unfelt,
But faithful to the hour,
You will never let me melt!

Oh, Air Con! I need you please!
Your powers I’ll never doubt!
For it’s me the heat will seize
Unless you wrestle it out.

Oh, Air Con! You are supreme!
You’re much better than the fan,
To say “not” would be blaspheme!
You’re better than any man.

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