Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What If...

Do you ever wonder "what if?"
What if we'd given that spark a chance?
What if we could have found romance?
But now all that's left is "what if?"

What if I'd tried harder?
Tried to get past the distance
Instead of putting up all that resistance?
But all I did was act the martyr.

What if you'd tried to hold on?
Fight for my deep affection,
But you ran in the other direction,
Til your heart was long gone.

What if we'd opened up again?
Laid bare out hearts once more?
Really looked deep into the core?
But... what if it was all in vain?

1 comment:

soccerchick_73 said...

"'what' and 'if' are two of the most innocent words, but put them together and they have the power to haunt you for your entire life.."