Monday, May 30, 2011

The Storm

When I started this journey a long while ago,
I stepped out of the boat that had kept me so dry
I left behind comfort, I left behind safety,
I left all that behind to follow the call,
To follow the voice of my King.
I walked on the stormy waters,
Headless of the trappings of the world,
Because I was lost in my Lord’s eyes,
Those eyes of complete and pure love,
Eyes that pierced my very soul,
Eyes that made my spirits soar,
But as the waves tore at my ankles
I forgot my King and looked down,
The malicious waves consumed me.
Drowning in the storm of life
I felt heartbreak and pain,
I was eaten up with loneliness,
Strangled by bitterness and spite,
In that storm all hope was lost,
There was only darkness.
As I felt my life slowly slip away
A hand plunged through the darkness,
A hand pierced by a nail.
My head broke through the water
And again I saw His eyes,
Eyes of mercy and healing,
Eyes of sweet forgiveness.
Now I cling to my Savior,
I hold onto Him with all my strength,
I dare not take my eyes off Him
For I know I will sink again.

The Fairy God Mother

A girl cries at a window,
Unable to go to the ball,
All she's ever heard is "no,"
So she watches all her hopes fall.

A shining light appears
Her sobs she starts to smother,
And a kindly voice reaches her ears,
"Don't worry child, I'm your Fairy God Mother."

A spell or two were spoken,
The magic wand waved with flourish,
The girl's heart no longer broken
For she's received her dearest wish.

Her dress shimmered when she walked
And glass slippers adorned her feet,
And though her precious time was clocked,
The prince she couldn't wait to meet.

The girl rode off to the ball
To meet her own Prince Charming,
And as she walked into that hall
The Prince he came a-fawning.

The Fairy God Mother sat alone
In a great big house on a cloud,
It was here that she lived unknown,
It was here that she cried aloud.

All her life she had helped others
To achieve their heart's desire,
Prince Charmings and escaping evil step mothers,
When spirits were low she made them soar higher.

but the Fairy God Mother has no Prince Charming,
No fancy dresses or shoes of glass,
Instead she sits at home darning
And constantly sighing "alas, alas."

She stares long and hard in the mirror
At the face no longer young,
She wishes someone would see her
For her heart and not the spells she's flung.

All she wants is a man who's kind,
But her life is indeed tragic
For every man she meets is blind
To the real woman under the magic.