Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just Because I'm Young Doesn't mean I'm Ignorant

Another poem for poetry class. My "voice of protest."

Don’t look at me like I don’t understand,
I have been where you can’t even imagine,
I have travelled the world and seen life,
Where have you been?

Don’t look at me like I can’t comprehend,
I have seen what you can’t fathom,
I have seen poverty, disease, and brokenness,
What have you seen?

Don’t you even try to patronize me,
I have felt more than you ever will,
I have experienced pain and heartache,
What have you felt?

Don’t look at me with mocking eyes,
I have done what you never could,
I have looked into the heinous face of Fear,
What have you done?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


O King of the Darkness,
O Wretched Stalker of Dreams,
How long have you held me captive?
When you stole my childhood innocence
I was forever a slave to your ways,
You beat me to broken submission.

You, Foul Tyrant of the Night,
You Rapist of Children's Hope,
How long have I bent to your will?
Since you taught me I was worthless
I have been the perfect servant,
Never chafing against my bonds.

Scorner of Dignity,
Mocker of Righteousness,
How long have you held me to your breast?
Since you clawed my heart wide open
And brutally forced your way in,
You drink in the screams of my soul.

O Demon of Horrors,
O Feaster of Gibbering Souls,
How long will you keep me?
Since I long to be free of you
Though you have been my constant companion,
I fear your presence will destroy me.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


The darknesss covers all,
No hope shines through,
Fear shakes my very being,
Remembering the pain,
The countless hands
That took away innocence,
And ripped confidence to shreds.

Now Darkness knows,
He knows my secrets,
He knows my shame,
He sends monsters in the night,
And sends Fear to share my bed,
To whisper poison in my ear,
And take advantage of me.

Oh, will I never be free?
Free of trembling in the night,
Free of the pain that lives in me,
Memories haunt my dreams,
And trap me in doubt,
I wish I could run away,
But I am glued to the floor.

Jesus, why can't I hear you?
You feel so far away,
I want to give it all you to,
But it's locked inside my heart
and Fear holds the key,
I need you to break the door,
I can't open it on my own.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

She Dances

This poem is dedicated to my sister.

Another hard day and she comes home crying again,
She thought today would be different,
Maybe today they would accept her,
But she found nothing but name calling and jeers,
The pain is bad but nobody understands,
So she locks herself in her room
And she dances.

Another hard day in a strange, exciting new world,
She thought this time it would be different,
Maybe today they would talk to her,
But she found herself spending the weekend alone,
She cries and wishes someone would hear her,
But she locks herself in her room
And she dances.

A good day today, she found where she belongs,
She knew this time it would be different,
God wrapped her in his love today,
And she found someone to spend forever with her,
She smiles and wants the world to know,
So she leaves the door wide open
And she dances.

This Stage

For class I had to write a poem about a special place.

The smell of hairspray and make up fills my nose,
The crowd is hushed in anticipation,
I breathe in deeply and take center stage
And shift into someone other than myself.
This stage has seen the many people that I have become:
A palace guard with a little voice,
A student in heavy winter boots,
A dancer with an undying smile,
And a reporter with a secret plan.
And this stage has borne the likes of
A business woman with promotion in mind,
A poor widow easily beguiled,
A flirt with a diabolical scheme,
And a runaway bride to scared to own up to love.
This stage has beheld my laughter and tears,
My successes and my failures,
This stage has heard me scream and rage,
This stage has heard me beg and plead.
But when the curtain falls
And the lights go down,
This stage no longer sees a character in a play
This stage looks through all the masks
Into the very core of me.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Oh, I would have so much time
If I didn't take the time to rhyme,
I could do that homework I had to do
Like read those AP books that make me blue,
I could sit and learn those drama lines
Or go and pay those library fines,
But instead I'm stuck here on this blog
Trying to rhyme with words like... smog?

Oh I would have so much time
If I didn't take the time to rhyme,
I could do that college application
Which I look at with much trepidation,
Or I could go and commicate with a friend
But I fear I would come back here in the end,
Could someone please help me with this addiction?
Before I completely destroy my diction?

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Race

This poem symbolizes the end of high school years :)

Feet dragging
Chains chafing
Muscles straining
Heart pounding
Lungs burning
Hurdles looming
Chains breaking
Stomach fluttering
Arms flailing

Stand up
Chains gone
Feet moving
Heart racing
Chest heaving
Arms pumping
Hurdles bigger
Strength failing
Tears flowing

Get up
Eyes flashing
Hope rising
Strength flooding
Body moving
Almost there
End nearer
End nearer
End nearer


I toss and turn in bed
so many thoughts running through my head
I just want to fall into a dreamless sleep
But my mind won't quiet down
All these worries plague my sleep
And I find myself in tears again

I just want to listen to silence
The World has gotten too loud
I just want to deal with today
Tomorrow is too far away

I listen to the city
To the sirens blaring through the sorrow of the night
Where are the gleaming stars tonight?
The World has run them off
I wish that I could hide with them
And maybe get some sleep tonight

I just want to listen to silence
The World has gotten too loud
I just want to deal with today
Tomorrow is too far away

My head hurts
My heart aches
My soul longs for a change
So save me
I'm waiting
For the World to leave me alone

So turn down the music
And try to find that still small voice within you
Leave the craziness of life behind you
And breathe for awhile
Just ignore the world for a time
and listen to the quiet

I just want to listen to silence
The World has gotten too loud
I just want to deal with today
Tomorrow is too far away...


This poem is dedicated for the people who lose their appetites when they see nasty people on the beach...

I look out at the sea
It's gorgeous, so blue...
But wait! where'd it go!?
There's something hideous
Obscuring my vision
I find it quite hard to keep my food down
It's fat and it's white
oh, what a dreadful sight!
His tiny black speedos are such a nasty fright!
Covering my eyes, I run far away
This fat ugly man has just ruined my day

To The Nameless Who Caused Unseen Wounds

Do you remember me?
I doubt you do,
I'm that scared little white girl
Walking innocently along,
We'd never met before,
But I took your fancy,
I was an easy prey for your sick perversions.
It never crossed your mind
That your touch would haunt my dreams,
It probably never dawned on you
That you caused wounds that remain unseen.
I see you every day, you know,
You're in the shadows and under the bed,
You're in the face of every man I see,
You may have forgotten me
But I will never forget you.
These wounds run deep,
They ache and cry to be healed,
And I don't have the strength
To knock down the walls that surround my heart,
And to let merciful healing in.
But I hope one day you will tear down your walls,
I hope you can feel the sweet forgiveness,
I hope one day you remember me.

No Where and Everywhere

I am from no where,
A rootless tree or a wisp of wind,
I am neither from here nor there,
A wandering soul or a homeless vagabond.

And I from everywhere,
The rolling golden hills of West Virginia,
The cold rainy highlands of Scotland,
And even the hot dry dust of Texas,
And I am from the soaring snowy peaks of Tajikistan,
And the humid sandy beaches of Malaysia,

And I am from a thousand voices,
From "hey y'all" to "do you ken?"
And from "salaam alyakum" to "ruski ni panimayu?"
And "Salamat pagi" to "chi gap ai?"

I am from a family,
A family like no other,
Too many grandparents from too many places,
And crazy parents in the middle of no where,
but they are more permanent than a house of brick,
They are where I'm from.