Tuesday, March 30, 2010


O King of the Darkness,
O Wretched Stalker of Dreams,
How long have you held me captive?
When you stole my childhood innocence
I was forever a slave to your ways,
You beat me to broken submission.

You, Foul Tyrant of the Night,
You Rapist of Children's Hope,
How long have I bent to your will?
Since you taught me I was worthless
I have been the perfect servant,
Never chafing against my bonds.

Scorner of Dignity,
Mocker of Righteousness,
How long have you held me to your breast?
Since you clawed my heart wide open
And brutally forced your way in,
You drink in the screams of my soul.

O Demon of Horrors,
O Feaster of Gibbering Souls,
How long will you keep me?
Since I long to be free of you
Though you have been my constant companion,
I fear your presence will destroy me.

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