Monday, March 8, 2010

No Where and Everywhere

I am from no where,
A rootless tree or a wisp of wind,
I am neither from here nor there,
A wandering soul or a homeless vagabond.

And I from everywhere,
The rolling golden hills of West Virginia,
The cold rainy highlands of Scotland,
And even the hot dry dust of Texas,
And I am from the soaring snowy peaks of Tajikistan,
And the humid sandy beaches of Malaysia,

And I am from a thousand voices,
From "hey y'all" to "do you ken?"
And from "salaam alyakum" to "ruski ni panimayu?"
And "Salamat pagi" to "chi gap ai?"

I am from a family,
A family like no other,
Too many grandparents from too many places,
And crazy parents in the middle of no where,
but they are more permanent than a house of brick,
They are where I'm from.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like. It's interesting reading this from the point of view of a prairie gal like me, who's never moved in her life except now.