Saturday, March 13, 2010


The darknesss covers all,
No hope shines through,
Fear shakes my very being,
Remembering the pain,
The countless hands
That took away innocence,
And ripped confidence to shreds.

Now Darkness knows,
He knows my secrets,
He knows my shame,
He sends monsters in the night,
And sends Fear to share my bed,
To whisper poison in my ear,
And take advantage of me.

Oh, will I never be free?
Free of trembling in the night,
Free of the pain that lives in me,
Memories haunt my dreams,
And trap me in doubt,
I wish I could run away,
But I am glued to the floor.

Jesus, why can't I hear you?
You feel so far away,
I want to give it all you to,
But it's locked inside my heart
and Fear holds the key,
I need you to break the door,
I can't open it on my own.


Unknown said...

dude! this is such an emo poem! :(

The Sellers said...

Hi Jessica--I'm excited to see this online!!! You did a great job in the course and it was a pleasure to get to know you better through your writing.
Mrs. B.