Monday, March 8, 2010


This poem is dedicated for the people who lose their appetites when they see nasty people on the beach...

I look out at the sea
It's gorgeous, so blue...
But wait! where'd it go!?
There's something hideous
Obscuring my vision
I find it quite hard to keep my food down
It's fat and it's white
oh, what a dreadful sight!
His tiny black speedos are such a nasty fright!
Covering my eyes, I run far away
This fat ugly man has just ruined my day

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AMEN SISTER!!!! Many's been the day when I've been trying to savour the cafeteria food (not really... but that's not the point) when some wretched European man will walk by, chest hair blowing in the breeze, skin glowing red with the sun and beer belly completely hiding his puny little swimsuit... it makes me shudder to think of it.