Wednesday, March 10, 2010

She Dances

This poem is dedicated to my sister.

Another hard day and she comes home crying again,
She thought today would be different,
Maybe today they would accept her,
But she found nothing but name calling and jeers,
The pain is bad but nobody understands,
So she locks herself in her room
And she dances.

Another hard day in a strange, exciting new world,
She thought this time it would be different,
Maybe today they would talk to her,
But she found herself spending the weekend alone,
She cries and wishes someone would hear her,
But she locks herself in her room
And she dances.

A good day today, she found where she belongs,
She knew this time it would be different,
God wrapped her in his love today,
And she found someone to spend forever with her,
She smiles and wants the world to know,
So she leaves the door wide open
And she dances.

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