Monday, March 8, 2010


I toss and turn in bed
so many thoughts running through my head
I just want to fall into a dreamless sleep
But my mind won't quiet down
All these worries plague my sleep
And I find myself in tears again

I just want to listen to silence
The World has gotten too loud
I just want to deal with today
Tomorrow is too far away

I listen to the city
To the sirens blaring through the sorrow of the night
Where are the gleaming stars tonight?
The World has run them off
I wish that I could hide with them
And maybe get some sleep tonight

I just want to listen to silence
The World has gotten too loud
I just want to deal with today
Tomorrow is too far away

My head hurts
My heart aches
My soul longs for a change
So save me
I'm waiting
For the World to leave me alone

So turn down the music
And try to find that still small voice within you
Leave the craziness of life behind you
And breathe for awhile
Just ignore the world for a time
and listen to the quiet

I just want to listen to silence
The World has gotten too loud
I just want to deal with today
Tomorrow is too far away...


Unknown said...

i like it more than the last one

Unknown said...

Hey... have you thought about putting this to a melody? That would be so cool. I like this one. You are, like Mr. Hurlbut said, very articulate. GJJG (good job jessica gamble)