Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Oh, I would have so much time
If I didn't take the time to rhyme,
I could do that homework I had to do
Like read those AP books that make me blue,
I could sit and learn those drama lines
Or go and pay those library fines,
But instead I'm stuck here on this blog
Trying to rhyme with words like... smog?

Oh I would have so much time
If I didn't take the time to rhyme,
I could do that college application
Which I look at with much trepidation,
Or I could go and commicate with a friend
But I fear I would come back here in the end,
Could someone please help me with this addiction?
Before I completely destroy my diction?


Unknown said...

I appreciate this poem, JG! It really portrays the struggle of all students (or, perhaps just me...) I really relate to the line, "Or go pay those library fines..."
That just moves me... It's hard to articulate the struggle of library fine paying avoiders like myself... but you hit it right on the nose!!! Good job, JG!!!

I'd Rather Rhyme said...

Thanks Kyla,
Your comment is encouraging and I will write much more in the future :)